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Apartment Surrounded by Terraces
Reference: # PB-003196
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Apartment Surrounded by Terraces Apartment Surrounded by Terraces Apartment Surrounded by Terraces Apartment Surrounded by Terraces Apartment Surrounded by Terraces Apartment Surrounded by Terraces Apartment Surrounded by Terraces Apartment Surrounded by Terraces Apartment Surrounded by Terraces Apartment Surrounded by Terraces Apartment Surrounded by Terraces Apartment Surrounded by Terraces Apartment Surrounded by Terraces Apartment Surrounded by Terraces Apartment Surrounded by Terraces Apartment Surrounded by Terraces Apartment Surrounded by Terraces Apartment Surrounded by Terraces

Area Sq Ft
Dollars per Foot
Price in Dollars

Appraised Value
Area m2
Pesos per Meter
Price in Pesos

(Clic aqui para EspaƱol)

Oviedo / Top Floor / Terrace

This 8th floor apartment is in a fascinating location. One block from Oviedo Mall, Avenida Poblado, near the Eafit University, 10 min walk to the metro station, gyms, restaurants, bars, among others. It has 4 bedrooms, library, lounge, 3 parking lots, utility room and a huge terrace of 160 Mt2.

Neighborhood information is available for all of our apartments, just ask us. We can tell you exactly what is in each neighborhood and where they are located through out the city. Tourism information is also available to our guests free of charge. We can help you purchase tickets and setup tours througout Medellin and surrounding cities.

Property Summary Highlights & Amenities

Ambient Lighting Ambient Lighting Central Location Central Location Close to Avenida Poblado Close to Avenida Poblado Close to Bars Close to Bars
Close to Carulla Close to Carulla Close to Casinos Close to Casinos Close to Clinic Close to Clinic Close to Eafit Close to Eafit
Close to Exito Close to Exito Close to Metro Station Close to Metro Station Close to Santa Fe Mall Close to Santa Fe Mall Close to Zona Rosa Close to Zona Rosa
Good Natural Lighting Good Natural Lighting Public Transportation Public Transportation Safe Neighborhood Safe Neighborhood Terrace Terrace
UNE Cable / Internet UNE Cable / Internet View of Mountains View of Mountains Walk to Gym Walk to Gym Walk to Movies Walk to Movies
Walk to Restaurants Walk to Restaurants

Paradise Realtor Return On Investment Estimate

Furnished Property Investment Projections

Yearly ROI % (from rental income)
Market Appreciation

Total Annual ROI

$13% - $16%

Monthlly Income & Costs



Furnished Rental Price
Property Taxes (Monthly)
Utilities, Internet, Phone, etc.
Apt Managment & Commisions

Net Income

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Medellin Inmobiliaria | Call us today at Paradise Realty in Medellin Colombia, USA 1-415-240-4698, or direct in Colombia at 011-57-313-390-7109